External Cleaning – Comserve Ltd – Winter 2017

The days are shorter and the temperature is dropping as we enter the coldest part of the year in 2017. Comserve Ltd are here to remind you of the dangers of the frosty days and how this can effect the safety of the exterior of your home and how using Comserve Ltd Exterior Cleaning Services can help reduce the risk of harm to your family and friends.

Algae and moss can start to grow on hard concrete & brick surfaces, usually due to damper, cooler weather on paths and areas of tarmac. It can also grow on patios and decking which can cause the surface to become slippery and dangerous to walk across at any point of the year, but especially in the winter months. The moisture found in the moss/algae can freeze as the temperature drops becoming a serious hazard to anyone who walks across it as it risks people falling, causing serious harm. If you are having issues with moss/algae growing on the exterior of your premises in the Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Llanelli areas that are posing a threat of injury to those in the area then why not contact a member of the team at Comserve Ltd to asses the problem and take advantage of our Comserve Ltd Exterior Cleaning Services to eradicate the issue and reduce the risk of danger. Contact Us

Not only can removing moss/algae from the floors surrounding your house drastically increase the safety of your home but using Comserve Ltd External Cleaning Services to remove moss/algae from the exterior walls of domestic and commercial buildings can also improve the appearance of your home. So you can be proud of your property once more and make it more appealing to potential buyers if your house is on the market then Contact a member of the team today to remove any

The winter months also see the trees ‘shed’ their leaves until the spring, leaving a mass of leaves blowing around for weeks and weeks. Because of this it is important to get your Gutters and Facia cleaned on a regular basis. By using the services that are provided by Comserve Ltd External Cleaning you can assure that the gutters of your home and commercial properties are clear and empty and cleared of leaves, grime and debris. Using Comserve Ltd External Cleaning services on a regular basis will ensure that you avoid paying out excessive amounts in repairs for both gutters, facia and downpipes as they get blocked. Due to the frequent periods of rain common place in Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Llanelli blocked pipes can cause major problems for your domestic and commercial properties if there is nowhere for the water to run to the drains. This can cause gutters to snap and break and increase the chances of flooding around your home. Contact Comerve Ltd for more information on our Exterior Cleaning services and see what we can do to improve the condition of your property and save you money and time by avoiding repairs in the future.

If you have found this article helpful and are need or know anyone in need of our Comserve Ltd External Cleaning services and expertise the please Like and Follow our Facebook page and Share this article so that more people can see the dangers to your property that can be brought on by the winter months, giving them a solution to the problem.

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